I Can No Longer Stand... Poem by Bailey Logan

I Can No Longer Stand...

I can no longer stand it
the way you annoy us all
the way you make us cringe
I can no longer stand you

I can no longer stand it
the way you cackle like a hyena
when it's not even funny
I can no longer stand you

I can no longer stand it
the way you talk to yourself
louder than you do to other people
I can no longer stand you

I can no longer stand it
the way you pinch and you poke
the way you insult and tease
I can no longer stand you

I can no longer stand it
the way you act like you're 5
when you brag about your better grade
(even though last time I beat you by nine)
I can no longer stand you

Can't you see?
We can't take it anymore
But I guess you've been blind
not able to see your own rotten self

Stop it, I say
but you won't hear
because you never listen
too lost in your own world

too lost stealing my pencil
too lost in a cackle
too lost in your conversation
ongoing in your own mind

too stupid to see
too immature to understand
that you annoy us all
that you're disliked by all

So just stop what you do
it's that easy and it'll all be over
but do it soon, 'cuz
I, we, can no longer FREAKING stand you

poetry lover 02 March 2007

you can no longer stand who or what if I must say? ? ? ? your life or someone close to you.

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