I cannot read minds, but I can read harts,
Harts of mothers, whose offsprings are ill,
In agony, in pain, in cry, in tear,
Thy mine, my baby, my soul, I can bear.
I can feel harts, but I can’t read minds.
Lacrimating eyes avoid the lights.
Had sleepless nights tired beside newborn—
Just saw sun rays after being nine months in haze.
I can feel harts, but say not minds
As I have harts away from me.
I cannot sleep full nights,
So feelings beat equally.
I can read when she asks me to read,
Help when she sounds, Not all Mums
But some blocks for you to reach their sick kin.
Needs cranes to pull, to feel, to treat, and to preen.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem