How unlucky the poets…are
They don't know
How unlucky they are…!
They tear their Harts*
In many ways
To write only few stanzas
Most they who read
Might give little praise-
And some have geniusness
Are able to read with many sights
Appreciating cavernously
Inspiring each Poetic Painful...
Yet, Painlessness
With tears
With grace…!
May 14,2012
* Hart; Heart- without 'e' based on anatomical structure of the heart...
Because it has four chambers with four valves...
As well as grammatically...Why we say Hand...Hard and we can't say Hart...
English is a hybrid language as my professor Tim Cullinan of Cambridge
use to say often...!
So my poems are based on 'Hart' and not Heart since my First Poetry Collection
' Lance my Hart at a Glance' dedicated to My Heart Surgeon (HS)
Hi..great reading, love reading your lines again and again! Dr with a heart!
Yet, Painlessness With tears With grace…! oh the poet by stint of time! world feels happy by their graces from dark shadow their tears fall for world to respire to filter into joy...quite ingenious write10++++, thanks for sharing
This is a wonderful poem. I think that we give everything to put our most deeply felt feelings into stanzas We put it out for the world to read. Yet how many read? How many get truly inspired? How many get through to what we felt in our harts when we wrote? Generally I know that very few people read my poems. But the few comments are sometimes encouraging. Even if only some of my poems will have inspired very few people, we will have written not in vain. I was writing poetry in first instance for my two children, but none of them shows any interest even in reading my poems. Anyhow I still feel so lucky to be able to write poetry, Sylva. It gives me a strange kind of satisifaction to put my ideas out in the open. I purposely put no copyright on them. If i find my poems on a website here or there, it makes me wildly happy. Wow your poem really provoked a lot of thoughts in me. Well done.
True were are often ignored but write first for ourselves this is our craft or sullen art as Dylan Thomas once wrote.
Very true indeed.The theme of your poem and the explanation of the spelling of heart as well are interesting!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
the hart explanation is welcome and makes some sense considering yer brush with cardiology its also near to the word that resides within....hurt nice lines