I Can'T Let You Go Poem by Katie Bradley

I Can'T Let You Go

Rating: 5.0

So much has changed over the past few years
I look back now wondering if it was worth all of those tears.
I never wanted to know what it was like to say 'good-bye'
but maybe now it is time to spread my wings and fly.
I guess it is a good thing that we have had time apart
because now I know that you have a piece of my heart.
Letting you go now would be the worst thing to do
there are so many things I need your support to get through.
I consider you to be one of my life-long friends,
because I believe that you will always have a shoulder to lend.
When I have a tough time or have too much inside,
it is you who I try to go to and in you I confide.
Saying 'good-bye' to you now is something I will not know
because I realize now that I cannot let you go.
As now as I see that a lot has changed over the years
all of it was definitely worth all of those tears.

Brooke Peterson 05 September 2009

I Totally get this! Love it! ...Really struck a cord with me! -You should check out some of my poems.... I think you will be able to relate! Sounds like we may have been through some similar stuff! :) ♥

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