I Didn't Wear A Mask Poem by Randy McClave

I Didn't Wear A Mask

I didn't wear a mask, now I am dead
I didn't see no worry or dread,
Whenever I walked out of my front door
A mask I never wore.
Whenever I walked up or down the street
I was maskless to the people I'd meet
And when a person wearing a mask crossed my path
At them I would always laugh.
I told my wife and my children it was all a lie
From not wearing a mask you wouldn't die
Wearing a masked I screamed was all control
People was wanting to steal my freedom and my soul.
So, a mask I would not ever wear
So, bacteria I began breathing in from the air
Then I slowly got ill from my lungs within
Never will I see my wife and my children again.
Now I will be remembered by this sad note
So, this P.S. will be my very last quote,
Every year I diligently took the flu shot
And because of the medicine the flu I never caught.
When as a child we all took our vaccines
We also took shots for health protection as teens,
Why am I dead if you might ever ask
It is because I didn't wear a covid mask.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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