I Follow Poem by Randy McClave

I Follow

I follow the teachings of Jesus
Because, he is in all of us
To get to the father you go to the son
I learned that from day one.
I gave my life to Jesus Christ
On the cross for me he was sacrificed
I now turn the other cheek
And I help the poor and the meek.
If there is a stranger in the land
I always give out a helping hand
Jesus said when he was a stranger before
And we did not lock the door.
When I meet up with an immigrant
I see or teach them no different
As I remember Noah and Mosses were immigrants as well
As was the Jews when upon a new land they did dwell.
This world is just a rental
Sadly many of us are so very judgmental
Our history books tell of us of foreigners seeking and asking
Especially in America where many see others as trespassing.
We all were created by our Lord God
When he first made Adam from sod
We are all family from the seed
Sadly unto Jesus's teachings many won't ever heed.
If we don't accept Jesus before we die
Then in hell's fire we will surely fry
It's a fact that all devout Christians will admit
Because, the Bible says it.
To heaven I know I'll have a free admission
Because, I am a Christian
Because, I am saved and to our Lord I worship and pray
And In Heaven I'll join our lord one day.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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