I Love You.....Goodbye Poem by Ging Taping

I Love You.....Goodbye

Rating: 4.9

Like a Castle of Sand
Waves splashed
All is gone..

Like a Web
Rain strike
Spider run to hide..

Like a Rose
Splendid blooms in May
But petals shriveled and fade away..

Like Words
Strummed in guitar cords
List'ning to sweet melody
But promises skip in the balcony.

Like withered leaf
Crumbled - crippled
Blown away...
Wind goes steep..

Enough is enough..
You're a big flop!
Trust no more
Lies no cure...

'You can't..
pull my sleeve
I am not your slave
Don't stand at my door.
I don't want to see you anymore'...

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: goodbye
Sometimes it's painful to let go and throw the relationship you once build. But love is not enough it needs respect and trust.
Colonel Muhamad Khalid Khan 10 November 2014

Like a Rose Splendid blooms in May But petals shriveled and fade away.. An excellent poem on the transitiveness of this world.Heighten feelings and emotions flow and beauty make it more good.I enjoyed reading it. Col Muhammad Khalid Khan

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Bri Edwards 25 October 2014

i like the use of flop. but, all of us men know that you will be staying up late, sitting by the phone, waiting for us to call. right! ? or do you REALLY mean it, THIS TIME? hee-hee. thanks for sharing. :) bri

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 22 October 2014

You broke many myth and at last you broken your myth and with the the reason - You can't. pull my sleeve- I am not your slave..I hate slavery and like that words but I am in deep thought O Goddess of Love..your curse is really - Don't stand at my door.I don't want to see you anymore'.. very nice poem ye composed I need to go through and I 'll do it thank you

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Donnie Wolff 19 October 2014

Yep, closing time by semisonic. There was quotes on that sentence but under the communist rule of ph they kindly removed them. Anyway great poem Ging

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Donnie Wolff 19 October 2014

Wonderfully written, I hate I love you goodbyes. But I love hi, I love you and don't even know whys... Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end that's a song lyric that last quoted part. I think the song is called closing time, great tune.

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Ging Taping

Ging Taping

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