I Meant It When I Said I Would Belong To You Forever Poem by Tatianna Rei Moonshadow

I Meant It When I Said I Would Belong To You Forever

I dropped to my knees and cried for you
How was it so easy for you to walk away?
I took my own blood in form of payment
For a price I never should've had to pay
All of the lies I've already accepted
But you still don't see me as good enough
All of your sins and all of my pain I've already forgiven
But apparently you still don't care to acknowledge my love
I've cried for you until my throat was wrong
But you don't even want to hear me speak
I gave you every last fiber of my being
But you don't even seem to remember me
I wore your ring across my throat
But you don't care that you wore my key
I made myself only and forever yours
But you act as if you never knew me
I suffer for you at this very moment
But all you do is turn your head and look the other way
Each and every line of every poem is written for you
But you don't care that I have something to say
How did you get so good at being so cold?
After all those many months we spent together?
Our memories haunt my dreams as well as my waking thoughts
For I Meant It When I Said I Would Belong To You Forever

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