I Remember Poem by Jim Yerman

I Remember

Rating: 3.0

When we are created we are given many gifts…
We can hear…we can touch…we can see…
but I wonder if the greatest gift…
isn't the gift of memory.

If our life is like a poem…then memory is the rhyme
allowing us the opportunity…to transcend both space and time.

I remember picking Damien up with one hand…
I remember how strong I used to be
I remember it like it was yesterday
now he stands 6 feet 3'.

I remember buying Aden a Snuggle…like the one on TV he'd seen…
That was a number of Christmases ago…
this year he turns 13.

I remember giving Ava a huge knife to carve a pumpkin…
Oh! that memory is gold!
In fact it's one the family still talks about…
And now she's 10 years old…

What prompted all these memories?
What started them on their way?
It just so happens that Taylor…turns 18 years old today…

I remember the day when he was born…I remember being swept away…
I remember seeing him for the first time…like it was yesterday….

Perhaps that is the wonder of memory…
How it takes moments that cannot stay
and allows us to relive them…
like it was yesterday!

Thursday, June 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: memories
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