Behnd A Window Made Of Glass Poem by Jim Yerman

Behnd A Window Made Of Glass

Rating: 4.5

It is said life is one big circle which begins with our first breath
the circle then completes itself the moment of our death

Many of us begin our circle…when but a little time has passed
in a hospital…protected…behind a window made of glass.

It's where our friends and relatives first visit us…
They come from near and's funny how they already know us
before we discover who they are.

In all likelihood we never noticed them…those who stop or wave or pass
Never noticed who was standing behind that window made of glass….

There are many in this pandemic…in whose circle much time has passed
who find themselves once again protected…behind a window made of glass.

Only now when their friends and relatives come to visit…
when they come from far and wide…
the person behind the window knows who's on the other side.

And there is a sadness mixed with happiness to these moments…
Happy they can be together…happy to be seen
but sad the only way to touch each other is with a window in between…

Still reflected in the window…we can see their smiles shine…
Happy at least to have found a way…for their circles to intertwine.

And so we hope and pray for them
Hope and pray this pandemic will soon pass….
and they don't end their lives as they began them…
behind a window made of glass.

Saturday, May 2, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: aging
Chinedu Dike 07 May 2020

Well thought out and brilliantly penned with insight.

1 1 Reply
Bernard F. Asuncion 07 May 2020

A well executed poem of the day. I enjoyed reading it. Congrats on your featured piece...10++

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Harley White 07 May 2020

Indeed this is a very relevant poem of the day...

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Kumarmani Mahakul 07 May 2020

It is said life is one big circle which begins with our first breath the circle then completes itself the moment of our death...... excellent beginning with universal truth. Beautiful poem. Thanks and congratulations for being selected this poem as the member poem of the poem of the day.

1 1 Reply
Edward Kofi Louis 07 May 2020

Life and death! ! ! Muse of mankind on earth; Now facing coronavirus. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Kim Barney 21 November 2021

Congrats on poem of the day... back in May. I don't log in that much... it's hard to stay in touch.

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Nabakishore Dash 12 September 2021

Very optimistic and realistic image reflected through beautiful words.

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Bharati Nayak 06 July 2020

Still reflected in the window…we can see their smiles shine… Happy at least to have found a way…for their circles to intertwine. And so we hope and pray for them Hope and pray this pandemic will soon pass…. and they don't end their lives as they began them… behind a window made of glass.

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Khairul Ahsan 07 May 2020

'Hope and pray this pandemic will soon pass…. and they don't end their lives as they began them… behind a window made of glass' - Amen!

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Dr Antony Theodore 07 May 2020

And so we hope and pray for them Hope and pray this pandemic will soon pass…. and they don't end their lives as they began them… behind a window made of glass. truth of an unseen virus which makes the world stand on head. tony

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