I Scared “mr. Perfect” Away... Poem by ArmourQuill Hunter

I Scared “mr. Perfect” Away...

What can I say 'I did it? ' I even remember “the day…! ”
Even after I’d developed such friendship camaraderie…
Times I’d visit him, after socializing from the pub and we’d have coffee.
Once, while listening to beautiful classic music we even had some toffee.

Even after, he and his friend chaperoned, I “danced the night away...”
Weeks later he shared his new-found interest in a girlfriend, that sad day.
Not till then did I realize what I’d done; knowing I’d miss-him, and our fun.
Knowing I’d sabotaged my chance for romance with this perfect gentle one.

He had the perfect job, modern home, caring ways, and the perfect charm.
What I did- was tell him only the bad about me; nothing of my heart so warm.
Hence, while he watched, I danced with every good looking guy in sight-!
Was I hoping he’d know that he wasn’t the one or just fooling myself for another’s bite?

Hey what can I say; I was a wild-child of destiny, running even from God, you see…
Though it never occurred to me that I’d, inadvertently, obstruct love for fear’s reality!
I thought I was safe from love; fearing little, and change wasn’t one of them.
Times for what we find about ourself can be costly, within a grey-fog dim.

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