I Still Love You Poem by Courtney Caine

I Still Love You

time has com to a stand still
watching as the skin breaks
as the blade slides through
nothing i can do now its been done
i cant undo whats been done
i watch as everything start to slowly
goes dark nothing i have done
prepared me for this
its nothing like they say it is
i feel nothing most would
they say you feel pain in death
i feel nothing
life lost its meaning when you left me
when everything came down to loneliness
everything starts to slow down
as the blood follows from the deep cut
thats all it was going to be a little cut
but this is my breaking point without you am nothing
so i cut deeper
i didn't mean to but i was just tired of holding back
it wasn't like i was going to lose anything
i had already lost everything that had meaning to me
i always said the wrong things at the wrong time
i think thats why i lost you
i lay in tears as the pain follows through my body
i lost what gave me the will to live
you made everything better
you made me feel whole
you made me feel safe
you made me feel loved
but most of all you made me feel that it was ok to be who i was
the world was beautiful with you beside me
now its dark and cold
i don't want to live this life
am better off dead then to keep feeling this pain
as the pain keeps following
the tears keep coming
to deep in my pain I let life pass me by
by never moving just frozen
never seeing the happiness that could have been
but i was blinded by the pain of losing you to see anything but the pain
everything i felt left when you walked away
one more cut and its all over i will never have to feel this way again
in the end all i could think about is you and how i loved everything about you
but you lead me to my downfall to my end
i was willing to love you but never lose you
so with you gone
so goes my life
as i lay bleeding out
all i can say is i still love you

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