I, The Loner, Or An Introvert's Lament Poem by David Welch

I, The Loner, Or An Introvert's Lament

They never say one word
when they can say ten,
they cannot have a thought
without saying it then;
this world we live in,
I, the loner, decry.

They see someone listen,
and then think that they scheme,
that a lack of interest
means you're surly and mean;
this world we live in,
I, the loner, decry.

They drag you out drinking
when you just want to read,
can't get in your headspace
or comprehend your needs;
this world we live in,
I, the loner, decry.

See you solitary
and to you they go,
think that it's a favor,
but you're ready to blow;
this world we live in,
I, the loner, decry.

They have us outnumbers,
but we have all the guns,
change always emerges
from the will of odd ones;
this world we live in,
we, the loners, design.

Monday, July 29, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: how i feel,introvert,people,personality,perspective,repetition,rhyme,society,truth
Julia Luber 29 July 2019

For however much of a loner you feel like, I find your imagination as vested it is in your poetry, highly connecting, entertaining, enlivening- but obviously the ingenuity of a mind that works in its own ways and sometimes as a loner: the intense creativity and imagination, make it a good thing.

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David Welch 30 July 2019

Well, I never said being an introvert was a bad thing, definitely has its perks. This was more just an exploration of the frustration I/we feel around out more outgoing friends. You could probably write the opposite poem as well, with an extrovert grumbling at us quirky introverts, thought not being a outgoing type I probably wouldn't be the best to write it. Thanks for reading.

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