I've Found Him Poem by Gary James Smith

I've Found Him

I've Found Him

I've found Him Hallelujah I've found Him
And O what He means to me
He took the punishment for my every sin
And bore it to dark Calvary
God poured out His wrath in full measure
He didn't hold back at all that day
But unleashed a torrent of retribution for sin
That only Christ could suffer for me

Tempted in all points as we were
Yet praise God not quilty of one sin
Our sinless... sacrificial.. Lamb
Became our sure sin-offering
And Hallelujah for His life cleansing blood
It has removed any guilt that
I wore
Now fully forgiven and saved by His grace
This expression of feeling I adore

What saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Has done for a sinner like me
When I repented of my sin and believed
I received the reward of faith's victory
And Hallelujah's don't have to be coaxed
Now from this saved sinner's tongue
For they come most emphatically and willingly
For I've been saved by the Crucified One

Don't leave off of your magnification
Of that blest nameof our Lord Jesus Christ
Who was lifted up to draw all men unto Him
Who paid in full our sins ransom price
And glory Hallelujah...Hallelujah glory!
I know in Whom I have believed
For whomsoever puts his faith and trust in Him
Will be the greatest blessing his life could receive

Look and live my brother live
Taste and see that the Lord is good
Nothing can satisfy like a heart forgiven for sin
Nothing to compare when Salvation is understood
Christ died for me...Hallelujah!
My sin nature changed in a brief moment of time
Immediately when I repented and believed
I became His! ... and He became mine!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright May 172020 5: 46 AM

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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