If I Chose To Stay Behind Poem by Danny Draper

If I Chose To Stay Behind

Rating: 5.0

If I choose to stay behind,
occasionally think of me as a failing once useful dog,
as I lapse indiscreetly, lying prostrate
and spent on this platform.
In days seeming aeons I will exponentially skip generations
and fall mute,
obsolete in a continuum imperfection,
and hard ware the dead end niche.
Anachronistic by desire or exhaustion,
Isolates bereft of updates;
liberty from an upgrade treadmill.
Craftsman or devolving wretch,
a hand turning pages or finger down a pane.
It may be neigh for tools down
loading the applications of dismal sum,
The last Trog, skeltering to sanctuary of immutable remote rocky caverns
to weather the quickening rain of density and pace beyond our ken,
that only the young in forever diminishing periods
can withstand.
Let those cast aside and still shackled by speech,
no longer bare the burden of meetings face to face,
book some time for it
and be compelled as they must,
(tall sibling asserts his hand)
have all reconfigured,
connected and returned,
multiple unique and ever changing passwords
confirms citizenship,
safe beneath the knowledge fill,
anonymity is monitored and assured,
breathing inextricably with the hub.
Whether comprehended or not,
with military precision
and minimal collateral damage...
going forward,
No one,
Is left behind.

Accept. Decline.

Sandy Player 03 December 2012

A clear AND sophisticated poem. Thanks

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Danny Draper

Danny Draper

Kiama, New South Wales, Australia
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