If I Died Yesterday Poem by Raimi Babatunde

If I Died Yesterday

Rating: 5.0

Wait! Listen to me
Before you tighten the noose
Overdose or result to poisoning
Hear what I have to say
I feel your pain
Because I have been there
The desire to end it all
But suicide is not an option

I too have been pained
Deceived by blood
Cheated upon yester years
Suffered depression also
But here I am
Still standing strong

Twice I wanted out
Trust me, I did too
It seemed the hard way
And the only way
But in the end
This Guy survived
Yes, I survived

Five times I wrote JAMB
Four but one I passed
But I hadn't a godfather
It eluded me like a vapour
Depressed and lonely
I wanted out
But still I am here

It's not with it Bro.
Don't do it!
Why not allow him go Sis.
If he hurts you often
It is a red flag
Love will come again
And you will be happy again

You are a shining star
Work in your timeline
Very soon you will fly
For every Balloon can fly
Don't give up on yourself
You got a cheer leader in me
So, suicide is not an option

In you, songs yet unsung
Books yet unwritten
Stories yet untold
Empires yet uncreated
Together we can Bro.
Let's tell our story of struggles
Triumph of faith over fear

Who can stop the moon
Tell me who can stop the sun
Even the star shines brightest in the dark
In your dark moments
Lies a ray of hope
Please hand on
Don't give up on yourself
Suicide is not an option

You are the real deal
Billions competed for one egg
Yours made it to the ovary
You are a born survivor
God's greatest creation
HE has got your back
Don't bail on HIM now

If I died yesterday
You won't be reading this
Today, I am shining light
A torch bearer
And a revelation to my generation
It's time to wake up
And brace up
Because suicide is not an option

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet

If I Died Yesterday
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: motivation
Mahtab Bangalee 25 June 2019

If I died yesterday You won't be reading this Today, I am shining light A torch bearer............/// superb poetic expression; it's greatly expressed

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Dr Antony Theodore 19 May 2019

t eluded me like a vapour Depressed and lonely I wanted out But still I am here. very fine poem. determination, endurance.. lovely poem. tony

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