When I was young I thought I was cursed
I wondered why my creator was angry with me…
I thought that I was flawed because I needed glasses just to see.
I hated wearing glasses…feeling like I was always in disguise.
At the end of my nightly prayers I'd always add…Please God, fix my eyes.
It's amazing isn't it how much we grow as our life rearranges?
How, not only does our body…but our whole perspective changes.
Because as I grew up…much to my surprise
I began to see the world through my ever-changing eyes.
It was as if I learned a lesson my eyes always wanted me to see…
How I was actually blessed…and there are those less fortunate than me.
My eyesight changed when I became a teacher…
about my faulty eyes…I no longer cared
when I found myself teaching a student confined to a wheel chair.
And those glasses I once hated…all of a sudden…I didn't mind
because they helped me show the world to a student who was blind.
I taught children who couldn't walk, who couldn't see…who could not vocalize…
I imagine they would have all been happy with my set of faulty eyes.
Today in quiet moments…to that young boy my attention drifts…
and I wish I could go back and convince him…he was born with other gifts!
Perhaps I wold have been a little less self-conscious, less anxious…less high strung
If the lessons my eyes taught me when I was older…I had learned when I was young.
Now when I say my nightly prayers…I suppose it comes as no surprise…
at the end I always add, Thank you God…for blessing me with these eyes.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem