If You Forget Me Poem by Noen Muti

If You Forget Me

Rating: 5.0

If you forgets me,
I will not vanish into the dark,
Nor will I dissolve into the sea's roar.
I will remain, a quiet shadow,
In the corner of her memory.

If you forgets me,
The whispers of the wind will carry my name,
Across fields and forests, over mountains high,
Until it reaches your heart, a distant echo,
A faint reminder of what once was.

If you forgets me,
The stars will still align in their eternal dance,
And in their glow, my love will shine,
A gentle, guiding light,
Invisible, yet ever-present.

If you forgets me,
I will not fade like morning mist,
Nor will I crumble like old letters.
I will be the hidden strength,
In the silent moments of your day.

If you forgets me,
The sun will still rise and set,
Marking the passage of time,
But in every dawn, there will be a sliver of me,
A quiet promise of endless love.

If you forgets me,
I will be the sigh in her breath,
The warmth in your blood,
An unseen guardian of your soul,
Forever watching, forever caring.

If you forgets me,
The earth will still turn,
The seasons will still change,
But in the rustle of the leaves,
You will hear my voice,
A soft, persistent call,
Reminding her of the love that never dies.

Friday, May 17, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: poems,famous poets,poets,forget,blind love
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