If You Knew Poem by ESPN CHICK

If You Knew

If you knew how I feel would you even care
Or would you walkaway
I bet you would walkaway
And not care about how I feel

But I wonder if you would stay
Would you hold me and tell me that every things okay
That you care about how I feel

If you knew everything that has been going on
Would you be embarrassed to even know me
Or would you tell me that your here to help forever and always
That I can lean on you at any time

Sitting here wondering what would you say
What would you do
I have a feeling that you wouldn't walkaway but deep inside I feel like you would walkaway leaving me in pain

If you knew that you are the main one who makes me smile
The one who makes me laugh even when I don't feel like it
Would you make me feel important
Make me feel like an angel

I don't know why you make me smile or why you even make me laugh for that matter
But you do and I kind of like it
Could you even make me feel like I am an angel

For some reason I don't think you would walkaway
I think you would be here trying to kill this pain
And trying to pick up the pieces from my broken body
to put me back together

I strongly want to believe that you would care for me
That you would let me lean on you
And that you could make me feel like an angel
Oh how I wish that you knew but if you knew would you

January 25,2008

*Trusting You* 26 March 2009

if he did I think you would know... or you should imply that you like him. Becca

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