Ignorance Poem by abhipsa panda


Rating: 4.5

When the world ignores you,
showing a silly reason.
Our heart tends to argue,
with a valid explanation.

The people with us,
can't find emotions.
They notice and figures,
all negative motions.

Who in this earth,
born with all qualifications?
How they would know our worth,
when they couldn't recognize God's incarnations.

Friday, October 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: ignorance
Aniruddha Pathak 11 January 2019

So true and appealing, Abhipsa Panda, I agree with you, everyone is born here with some special talent, what is lacking is: one who can spot it and appreciate it.

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Abhipsa Panda 11 January 2019

I m grateful to u sir to give your precious time and read my poem....u agree with my views...i m grateful to u for that

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Dr Antony Theodore 03 November 2018

How they would know our worth, when they couldn't recognize God's incarnations. we shall mind of think about what others think about us. it is worthless to think like that.........only what matters how do i stand in front of God. it is important.......... thanku for this revealing poem.. thanku again dear scholar.. tony

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Abhipsa Panda 03 November 2018

Tjank you sir for your comments.. I am grateful to you for visiting my page and reading my poem

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Ratnakar Mandlik 12 October 2018

Intensity of the flow of emotions is laudable though it points out a feeling of hurt due to neglect meted out from unexpected quarters. A beautifully crafted poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Abhipsa Panda 12 October 2018

Really thankful to you sir for your words of appreciation

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Gajanan Mishra 12 October 2018

very very beautiful write, A man can't judge a man

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Abhipsa Panda 12 October 2018

Thank you so much Sir for liking my poem... I have gone through your poems and I realized that I can never reach upto that level of writing... If you are appreciating my poem, then, it is an honour for me

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