Impossibles Were Lies Poem by Michael Eziudo

Impossibles Were Lies

Yes, they were, were truly were
When I meant that the sky and the firmament were inseparable
That the sun fed the moon without which darkness would hold the night with stenchy blackness
That water in a nostril couldn't run without the nose
And that the flower never has needs for the butterfly or even the bees
And could let them go in pride
So the butterfly should beg to stay

Had I told you the world would mean nothing if you don't mean anything
That the entire treasures of the world is hid in your palms and your tender touch like the marrying of the beautiful ancient red walls of Umuokoro
That your eyes sparkle like the dazzling diamond of the precious ages ago
And your smile like a honey sweet that melts the heart
And your dentition like the golden gates of arabian walls
Had I?
But I hadn't told you that I give such words because your nature is to believe in sugar coated lies

Had I told you that I can't last a day without you
That when you tell me it's over I'm finished
And that non again after you would be the reason I live
Had I?
But I hadn't told you that as soon as you throw in the towel
That I'd only cry for as long as it takes another beau to cross my path
That seeing her stand there in split seconds afterward
Cleanses every memory I used to nurse of you

Had I told you that you're my dream come true
That your complexion and height and language and shape
Are the images I had painted in my mind of my heart's desire
That when you stand I see
I see the glamour of the maker's finished work
And the time taken to make this one of my fitting
Had I?
But I hadn't told you that a woman is a woman
Her physical look matters less
So long the thing under her pant is intact and her balls erect

Had I told you that the ideas you give are like oasis in a plateau and apple in the desert
That the words that come from your mouth show that the value of a thousand wise women are hid in your worth
That when you whisper words to my ear
They suit my soul like the icing fits the cake
Had I?
But I hadn't told you that the smile of that lady opposite When you throw me out
Can cleanse my mind of all you had buried in it
And wear upon it a violet robe of continual price appreciation

Had I told you that I die for you
That my love for you is unequal and without condition
That you will have no one to contend with as no-one was like
And can ever be like you
That I'd love you just the way you are
Had I?
But I hadn't told you that love yesterday and that of today and that of tomorrow
Can only be same
If same nurture was given to them all
As love is renewed morning after morning
By the sacrificial ritual it deserves

And I hadn't told you
That though I paste myself in your palms
And give my heart that you toss up and down at your whim
That she is out there waiting even for a crumb of me
And what came to you in a platter of gold
Is what she cries and can kill for
Had I?
But you know you have him jewel in your hand one that's not worth to let go
A treasure that causes you no pain but gains
As against them rotten eggs that fill the crates

I had told you impossibles will live when without you I am to live
Even told you life would elude me when you cut my life off of yours
But these impossibles are only impossible if you don't tread the earth alone
It's my nature that first it seems
That life won't be without you and it I confess
But by the knock on my door
It is something in skirt
The existence of you lies inexistent
And the impossibles I once said to you before now
They all become lies

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,relationship,romance
Dawn Novus 01 November 2017

Hands down, one of my all time favourites. Shape shifting love of life poem.

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Michael Eziudo

Michael Eziudo

Benin City, Nigeria
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