The apparition of these faces in the crowd;
petals on a wet, black bough.
IN ITALIAN: ‘In una stazione della Metropolitana’ L'apparizione di questi volti nella folla; Petali su un ramo umido e nero. (Ezra Pound,1916)
A perfect example of Imagist poetry! Precise, succinct, but powerful description!
Pound’s Parisian 'Metro station' has the same iconic status as 'the red wheelbarrow' of William Carlos Williams. First printed in 1913 in Poetry Magazine, it was originally a thirty line poem before he put it through his Imagist paces. This was his version of Japanese haiku which, he claimed, provided a model of compression in verse, a “one-image” poem which is “trying to record the precise instant when a thing outward and objective transforms itself, or darts into a thing inward and subjective.” The title anchors and places the poem. The first line is a simple, clear and straightforward statement. The second is a brilliant use of metaphor. The poem’s emotional core is the connection and the disconnection between the two lines. briefpoems.wordpress com
Pound's poem was written in the poem the writer disappears entirely, only the people he observes are present...
Pound scrisse questa breve poesia a Parigi: possiamo immaginarlo osservare la scena della folla di persone, lui stesso uno dei volti o petali. lo scrittore scompare del tutto, solo le persone che osserva rimangono presenti. E sono presenti solo come figure in un paesaggio urbano: non c'è lo sforzo di penetrare la loro psicologia o di spiegare la loro sociologia.