In Golden Shell Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

In Golden Shell

The nectar of love, safe in protective shell
Of gold reinforced for infrangible hardness
And rolled in to hollow carved in diamond
Of immaculate build that sheds pure glow;
Strifes and shocks perforce the rules of life,
In daily struggles, nothing ever seems safe,
All, in shove, shamble, jostle and scramble,
Ephemeral, environ; uncertainties envelop,
But the nectar, untouched; bright, pure as ever.

Ages roll, new rises from the womb of old,
Changes do roll, sweep, flood and recede,
Seeds grow to trees and trees roll to seeds,
But the nectar we kept is safe in its shell,
Undisturbed, unconcerned of the tides of life
In pure faith and trust in its core strength
Of the immortal values of love and truth;
It grows in its strength in the shell as old ale,
Sitting tight in its trust and confidence in self.

Night is long, all over and stretching far wide,
But no way touches the grandeur of full moon;
Clouds, infinite; come and go all along the time,
But no way reach immortal blaze of the Sun;
Man falls, rises and falls all through his time,
But no way affects divine course of his species -
So is the nectar, our substance, soul's essence,
We kept safe in golden shell of protective soul
In the immaculate glow of our trust's diamond.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,philosophy
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