In Memoriam To My Grandfather Poem by Gert Strydom

In Memoriam To My Grandfather

My granddad carried the same name and surname as I.
was a hard-working and God-loving man that did build
and developed houses and he also was a carpenter
but later we will get back to that.

With his own hands in Brakpan he build a church,
all the members including my father converted people
to fill that church up as they took religion seriously.

I just started to walk and grandfather seemed huge,
hearty and ancient to me and in his workshop
everything was tidy and had a right kind of place
but time and again before him open was his bible.

Granddad was friendly and never said a harsh word,
I was following his huge steps as I did walk behind him.

The pastor and the congregation has sold that old church
and wants to build a massive sanctuary seating thousands,
where the head-elder (bless his soul)have underwritten it
with all of his businesses and how they are going to fill it
I do not know.

On a fateful day in hospital that kind old man lay.
Coming back to his carpentry: a door had fallen on him,
it had caused internal-bleeding and at that time
the hospital and doctors were not fit to treat such a thing,
or to operate on him.

That church was his legacy and now it's gone
but the memory of that old man to me still lives on.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: life and death
Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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