In Memory's Lane Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

In Memory's Lane

As I dip to the memory's lane,
As depth deepens by days and years,
I find you slipping from my hold.

As shadows lengthen with the setting Sun,
As brooding fireball dips in horizons
I grieve for the transiency of our lives.

Sprites flail, thoughts fail to find you again,
Immortal flames once raged, fading now,
And I grope for you in darkness.

Where has gone that raging fire
That fused us in one in such a bliss,
Now vanished where to what time's womb?

Indeed time is the biggest negator,
The eternal pit of all of the past,
And suffers our bond in the scanner now.

A pall of oblivion thickens by days,
And I feel like you're on run from me,
And I lose light from deep within me.

Helpless am I afore the nature's forces,
Nothing can I do save fear for you,
Alas, I should bear, and continue to walk.

Is it our end or beginning anew,
Only He knows who created as we are,
And binds and unbinds as He thinks best.

Nothing is lost from the cosmic wrap,
So is our bond perchance in fall and rise,
Only to conjoin afresh in a higher plane.

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