Clenched Fists Poem by Dee Gey

Clenched Fists

Rating: 3.7

Freedom washed with tears rinsed by blood,
dried with heat of love from one's heart,
some unknown, but alone they're not,
fell on the ground where lilies once sprout.

Imperious pledge made by mightiest,
lies and deceits bloats their bellies,
flaunting wealth with no shame,
manipulation is their game.

Capture the air of truth they did,
slashed bodies with thorny whip,
voices imprisoned, acts suppressed,
some lost of lives being disguised.

What sort of pain conflict inflicts?
not for privileged, not for rich
but for lowly impoverished,
all subdued by envy and greed.

Struggling to free oneself from sea
of cheats that drowned humanity,
fastened by metal links instead,
when compassion the needy begged.

Weeps behind non healing worry,
chain restraints moral propriety,
crumpled dirt poor like you and me,
somber face cries reality.

Common cause together some strode,
foot in-front the other that's bold,
tried to mend broken spirits,
held pair of clenched fists.

Wearing stained, disgraced emotions,
some unmasked hidden oppressions,
undying hope screams from inside,
crossing the road of pure unjust.

The tears and sweats all mixed with grief,
they all gathered with one belief,
for their rights, stood to win the fight,
to survive from the twisted life.

Freedom sought never come handy,
it's a journey and ride isn't free,
tracks embed to eternity,
beneath the heat of slavery.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom
Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon 04 September 2024

Poignant write, an agonising commentary on the contemporary times.. Though published in 2008, every word of the poem is still relevant. Top score.

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Ency Bearis 08 October 2008

a verses with full emotion..well narrated/write..excellently done.... Ency Bearis

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 08 October 2008

Dee, You have real talent, you feel the pain and hear the cries, the true sign of a brilliant write... so very well done.. Andrew 10

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