In Soulful Sleep Poem by Randy McClave

In Soulful Sleep

I was awoken this morning with sunshine in my eyes
Then I let out a couple of yawns and sleepy sigh's,
I was thankful as always for another beautiful day
Then I wanted once again to hit the hay.
But, then I remembered this is a beautiful Sunday morn
My alarm did not go off and I then began to mourn,
I was suppose to be going to church, but I had over slept
Now I feel sadness and loneliness and my soul was full of regret.
Then I thought how God's words and teachings I always do keep
Maybe today I thought God just wanted me to sleep,
I try to always help everyone as I know that I really should
And I always help out everyone the best that I can or could.
Maybe God is giving today to me, so that I can sleep and rest
I mean, to help people I always try to do my very best,
Of course God knows that I'm not a day person and I always sleep in late
And my friends and family know that getting up early I do sincerely hate.
Through an epiphany I believed God wanted me to sleep a couple more hours
Never would I object to the Lords wants or his powers,
So, again I lay down my head and I closed my eyes while sporting a smile
As I know that I would be fast asleep in just a little while.
Then I thought about the congregation who got up early in the A.M
I will tell them about Gods great intervention later in church in the P.M,
I will tell them how God didn't want me to hear the alarm ring
And all the great blessings to my soul it did sorely bring.
Today no lessons in Sunday School did God wanted me to be taught
And no Bible verses in Church this morning was I to question with, "What? "
No singing was I to perform today while I sang to God his praise
And I guess today I wasn't suppose to hear about Hell's fiery blaze.
So, in peace and comfort I am laying down my tired and weary head
As I snuggle tightly and peacefully in my nice warm bed,
Now just before a peaceful sleep where my soul and body was bounded
My alarm clock then went off, and to my brain it loudly sounded.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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