In The Light Of Day Poem by Daniel Brick

In The Light Of Day

Rating: 5.0

24 June 2020

A bird feeder sways
gently in a wind
only half-born. Beside it,
an iron pole is fixed
securely in muddy soil.

Overhead a few birds fly
along the migratory path.
They are tardy travelers
having postponed departure
for three weeks. They are

serious birds, no scavegers
like bluejays, no tricksters
like crows. Just stalwart
birds of all types, whose flight
maintains the Harmony of Land and Sky.

I would readily join them
in miles and miles of flight.
We, whose flight in the light
of day, will maintain the Harmony
of the Land and the Sky for all creatures.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity,nature
Bharati Nayak 26 June 2020

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Bharati Nayak 25 June 2020

This poem on migratory birds can well be compared with migratory people who go to different land in search of occupation or studies.A well composed poem in the light of present scenario. I must quote the last stanza of this beautiful poem- - I would readily join them in miles and miles of flight. We, whose flight in the light of day, will maintain the Harmony of the Land and the Sky for all creatures.

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