Inessa Armand In Memoriam Poem by Liza Sud

Inessa Armand In Memoriam

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Vladimir Ilyich fell in love
with Golden Inesse Armand.
From Russia through the train cry:
where France and Saint-sans abide.

Vladimir Ilyich fell in love
And took her to Moscow, far.
But here Beethoven's song
she played to him no more.

It's leafage. It's Golden fall.
Poplars. St-Peter's calm.
Where the herds of people-swans.
Inessa with me here. Mine.

And we will live happily
in Communism, socialism -
we will walk under one sky,
And we'll love this life, we'll love!

When there will be your arrest -
for you as the Red Cross head,
I'd have shot all deputy,
but will take you from Paris!

I'll give you the Woman's branch
In party affairs guide, -
for you, my love, to decide,
What family should be like.

But she did not carry on
for three years. Tired so.
And I asked to leave for Paris,
but Caucasus is my will.

We have won, we're at the helm!
the golden leaves are in flame.
Why at the September's end
I lost you, my dear friend? ...

So let it wait, Kremlin wall,
Where we will lie: you and I.
The silence of sentry guard.
Revolution. I'm alone.

памяти Инессы Арманд

Полюбил Владимир Ильич
Золотую Инессу Арманд.
Из России сквозь поезд клич:
Там, где Франция и Сен-санс.

Полюбил Владимир Ильич
И увез далеко в Москву.
Но Бетховена здесь она
Не играла уже ему.

Золотая осень. Листва.
Тихо в Питере. Тополя.
Где людей-лебедей стада.
Здесь Инесса со мной. Моя.

И мы будем счастливо жить
Коммунизм ли, социализм -
Под одним нам небом ходить,
И любить эту жизнь, любить!

И когда будет твой арест -
Возглавляющей Красный Крест,
Я бы всех послов расстрелял,
Из Парижа тебя достал!

Тебе женский вручил Отдел
В руководстве партийных дел,
Чтоб решала, любовь моя,
То, какой должна быть семья.

И три года не прожила.
Так устала, как никогда.
И просилась в Париж, но я
На Кавказ отпустил тебя.

Мы с победой и у руля!
И в огне золотом листва.
Почему в конце сентября
Я, мой друг, потерял тебя? ...

Пусть Кремлевская ждет стена,
Где лежать будем ты и я.
Караульная тишина.
Я один. Революция.

Inessa Armand In Memoriam
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: memoriam
Inessa Fyodorovna Armand (born Elisabeth-Inès Stéphane d'Herbenville; May 8,1874 - September 24,1920) was a French-Russian communist politician, member of the Bolsheviks and feminist who spent most of her life in Russia. Armand, being an important figure in pre-Revolution Russian communist movement and early days of the communist era, had been almost forgotten for a long time (due to deliberate Stalinist censorship, partly in consideration of her relationship with Lenin) until the partial opening of Soviet archives during the 1990s (despite this, many valuable sources regarding her life still remain inaccessible in Russian archives) .[1] Historian Michael Pearson wrote about her: 'She was to help him (Lenin) recover his position and hone his Bolsheviks into a force that would acquire more power than the tsar, and would herself by 1919 become the most powerful woman in Moscow.'

She died in the morning hours of September 24, aged 46.[18] She was buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis in Moscow.[19] A state funeral, an extremely rare honour for a woman, was organized, with a mass singing of the Internationale. She was buried in the Red Square, being the first woman to receive this honour.
Daniel Brick 12 October 2017

Your poem gives me a human insight into Lenin, the leader who had a blind faith in Marxist philosophy; you show us a man devoted to his love and tender. There was greatness in Lenin, a man of implacable will. He believed Marxism would be the salvation of humanity and ease human suffering. But he did not believe in human rights or human freedom. At least not until the Revolution had defeated all other systems. While he was in exile in Switzerland, he wrote books and pamphlets spelling this out. I read therm as a history major in college.The first thing he did was take away freedom of the press. No criticism allowed. Oh, Vladimir, Vladimir, why couldn't you trust people and their precious freedoms.? But I'm not saying America was right. and the Soviet Union was wrong. Both sides carry the blame for a 70-year Cold War, no one is innocent.. And STOP tearing down the onion domes of the Orthodox churches. And stop the injustice against Indians and black Americans' Reform yourselves! A plague on both your houses! !

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Beautiful poem Liza I like your style of writing Thank you for sharing Mario Odekerken

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