Infinite Wisdom Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Infinite Wisdom

It's definitely impossible
To use finite knowledge to create eternity
Mathematical equations are not enough
To build everlasting peace
Scientific inquiry is not sufficient
To create a loving heart
Astronomy is limited
To open the hidden tunnel of hope
Biology is inadequate
To reveal the mystery behind life
It's upon this reality
That spirituality should be unveiled
And infinity should be understood
In terms of the unlimited power of the spirit of Love
Spirituality is the lens that magnifies the impossible
Revealing the possibilities within
Love is the only solution
To both finite and infinite problems
It's possible for humanity to hold Love as our flag
Our vision, mission and values
Can be impregnated with Love
Then we will eradicate hatred
Jealousy and selfishness
We will destroy the pedestal of wickedness
And puncture the inflated heart of evil
We will operate a world order
That is made of Love
All ideologies will be injected with Love
And our philosophy will be to Love one another
Our economic theory will be to feed and clothe everyone first
Then build a utopia
A place of peace, hope and Love
True happiness will emerge
And joy will be found in every heart
Crime will be erased
Violence permanently stopped
As each and every one of us
Will be a lover
And Love will guide our ways
It's not impossible to love your neighbour
As you love yourself
It's truly inadequate
To create a neighbourhood watch
And pretend to care for each other
Love is the foundation
The home and the people
Love is the everlasting truth
Love is God


Monday, April 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: humanity,life
Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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