Infinity, Naught And Existence Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Infinity, Naught And Existence

Infinity lies in womb of naught,
Naught lies in infinity's womb,
In-between lies grey existence
In fluid of light spreading around
From speck of light devoid of space
To sprout the field of time and space
That expands till balance is reached,
Where infinity and naught go together
To retract paths to different wombs -
Infinity lies in womb of naught,
Naught lies in infinity's womb,
Grey existence binds again the two.

Existence is a bridge between the two,
Holding infinity with naught in leash
In the endless ocean of pure darkness
As a speck of spark that explodes out
As expanding island of life particles
Like fetus in mother's thick placenta;
A cosmic game of infinity and naught
Exploding outward to reach each other,
And let loose existence in vibrations
Of expansions contractions in cycles;
They're faces of root cause of nature,
They're driving force that runs nature.

Infinity and naught, one, yet different,
Though same, opposite and divergent,
Each hailing from the other's womb,
Each spreading out to rejoin again
And joining back to differentiate away;
They breed existence by cosmic play
By vibrations they create in fluid dark
As unstable light galloping all round
Till loses potency for further spread
And collapses within to dark's womb
Till all freezes and prevails stillness,
Where infinity and naught reunite again.

Thursday, May 12, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: abstract,philosophy
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