Inner Sight Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Inner Sight

However far I stretch my arms
To grab and catch you in my holds,
So fast you snap from failing sight
And I end up ruing handicaps I have.

You're bright light beyond horizons,
You're sacred lamp shedding true light,
You're my vision of timeless frame,
The truth I seek to reach, and plunge.

Left and right and front and back,
Above and below and far and near,
I feel you roam around all over me,
But, sense you ebb when I act to knot.

You transcend time space; transcend limits,
Transcend the bounds of matters, transience;
I falter when I see thro' my mortal eyes,
Undying holy bond you bound me with.

My sight is short; I suffer temporal slips,
Suffer ups and downs those natural to all;
Like motherly womb, you protect from all,
To keep safe our bond for immortal time.

I feel the vibes reaching from you,
I feel your light kindling my life,
I sense the symphony you spread around,
And I know why you slip from my hold.

I should have known, you never err;
Whatever you do is for mutual sake;
But, alas, I'm yet to reach your height,
And act on spur in blind impulse.

In and around my innate self, soul,
Eternally lighting the lamp of being,
You keep watch, you guard our bond,
Infuse oneness in elements, essence.

I can't be I, nor you, ever you,
Without you and I holding each;
You do snap from my failing sight,
Only to light up my inner sight.

Friday, April 21, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love,philosophy
Qiniso Mogale 21 April 2017

Only to light up my inner sight. Thanks for sharing this poem

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