…I crept into the enormity of oneness
into sole oneness...
From the narrow lanes of garden we walked…to the lost lanes
Innermost to outermost
Outermost to innermost
Moments paused
Ceased to exist is only the beingness
The act must go on
…still basking in the eternal flame of fire
the icy cold droplets of water and wind- that drips dropp by dropp from within eachother-
peeping out through the pores of the rocks of the standstill cave
Yes! ! !
Of Oneness…
Oneness celebrated
Love itself is in love
With the metallic music of the singing cricket ringing through our ears
singing their own songs from beneath the rustling leaves
that creeps out of the deep dancing forest…
...and through the roots we were woken to walk more and and fro
Yes! ! !
Music throughout…all over
Silence into silence…
oneness into oneness
...And we sang along - in silence amidst…
Reading this poem is a kin to looking at a marvelous painting. The images are so vivid and they rise up before the reader has barely finished the sentence. Nice work Lovita.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Beautiful Poem! Thank you for it