Is Religion Only A Formality...Part 1 ((Translation) Poem by Rhymer Rhymer

Is Religion Only A Formality...Part 1 ((Translation)

You just uttered something in the mouth IS not religion;
It is order to follow the messenger of Allah peace be upon him in all moments;
He is the model of religion,
The endless practice of abiding by his/Muhammaad PBUH's life style/sunnah in pros and cons;
A heart felt formality by keeping similarity to words and deeds;

"do practice of those righteous deeds that Muhammad did for being my favorite"

The path to get Allah is the path followed by Muhammad peace be upon him was tightly held by his caliphs;

They are called the WARASATUL AMBIYA/inherit from the messengers pbuhby getting firmness in knowledge of external and internal realm of the soul;

It doesn't need to know the LANGUAGE of ARABS but depends on The stainless character and pure HEART! !

Rhymer Rhymer

Rhymer Rhymer

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