It Is A Brutal Spectator Sport Watching Horse-To-Horse Combat Poem by Mark Heathcote

It Is A Brutal Spectator Sport Watching Horse-To-Horse Combat

Genghis Khan rode on his Mongolian horses
Napoleon Crossing the Alps rode a white horse.
Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia, rides a white horse.
Kim Jong Un all smiles; he also rides on a white horse.
Vladimir Putin jokily sometimes rides his horse bareback.
Putin and Kim share equally warm handshakes.
They each dream about world dominance.
They each want to put the world into their saddlebags.
Kim Jong Un recites a fairy tale about the flower of resurrection.
Only it's not his dead people or relatives he wants to resurrect.
Putin smiles serenely but fearlessly back.
Necessity dictates some good horsemanship by both.
Each rider wants to control some animal instinct.
Govern that of another animal's direction and future terrain.
It is a brutal spectator sport watching horse-to-horse combat.
Nothing prepares the spectators for that.

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