"It Is The Best Of Times And The Worst Of Times" Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

"It Is The Best Of Times And The Worst Of Times"

Title: "It is the best of times and the worst of times"
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
In the magazine, Popular Science, ex-Pres. Barack Obama had said that nerds
Who are engineers and scientists and technologists will rule the world
And their brain trust will flourish
And I am going to tell my friends from graduate school
That I am waiting in a purely unscientific way
For women who ask mileage for their cleavage
But want to traverse the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Or to unravel the mysteries of the guide, Einstein Demystified
(Which hath left me completely in the dark)
And would rather reveal than conceal in the entertainment sense of the world
Such as Yours Thoughtfully, are not recognised for their efforts in Toronto;
But I take joy in the fact that sometimes being "frisky", I do like to frisk men
And not be too brisk with my lingering efforts
For although I like the really good ones to point their naked "gun" at me
And admittedly, I am at the receiving end of the gunfire
And I promise that I shall make time and allow space
For their hard disk to be inserted
And even you must concede that the TV show, Seinfeld, and etc
Despite having Bette Midler sing provocatively, From Milan to Minsk
And George try to read a book on Risk Management
Do not recede from one's mind,
There is joy in the sexual union
Which become re-unions
And please don't scoff at me
For the monk in Umberto Eco's Name of the Rose
(And I take refuge in the movie version and a hastily looked through book)
Actually (the learned monk's pupil)sees the light after he has a sexual union;
But as far as my career and romance is concerned, despite the conquests I have made
And the almost two years that I have worked
I need tissue to dry my tears
For it is an issue with me that inspite of the beauty of the romances I have had,
And that includes the ongoing one with my husband also,
I am afraid that it brings heartache and
In the area of my career as a chemical engineer,
There is no concrete headway but I have to make do with promises
And relying on the expertise of others to prove my scientific thoughts and
I await action from PM Justin Trudeau on other scientific matters and it is a wait in the actual dark
And the dark makes me apprehensive as to the tomorrow.

"It Is The Best Of Times And The Worst Of Times"
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: friends,myself
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