It's A Cause For Much Concern Poem by Francis Duggan

It's A Cause For Much Concern

It's a cause for much concern and it's a reason to lose sleep
And it saddens me to think that human life is taken cheap
For murder the sentence eight years good behaviour out in four
The law favours the offender, there's no justice any more.

A young woman she is pack raped in a laneway off the street
She is sexually penetrated and by her attackers beat
And the offenders they get two years and are set free in one
And their victim left to suffer from the legacy of fear.

In the back streets of the city people stay in after dark
Far too scared to take their doggy for a walk in unlit park
And you say this is good country that good people can feel free
But the facts they tell me different and the facts do not agree.

An old woman badly beaten in her flat is left to die
And her killer is convicted just a seventeen year boy
He gets three years for manslaughter three years do not seem much time
For his act of callous cowardice, for the foulest sort of crime

It's a cause for much concern that's how it would seem to me
From the courts it is the victim gets the lesser sympathy
And you say this is free country but the facts do not agree
For if human life is taken cheaply then good people can't feel free.

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