It's Alright To Be Alone Poem by Ray Hansell

It's Alright To Be Alone

I must face reality
There's no one out there for me
I look all around
Couples are all I see

I think to myself
Is this how it's supposed to be?
Everyone else has someone
Everyone except for me

For so long I wanted someone
But now I've given up
The days are quickly passing by
I'm no longer a young pup

I always imagined myself
One day married with kids
Now when I think of the past
It will be memories of things I did

I'll have no one to hold me
On a cold winter night
I'll have no one to kiss
When I turn out the light

They'll be no one to greet me
As the morning sun awakes
They'll be no one around
For evening strolls to take

They'll be no one to whisper
Gently in my ear
They'll be no one to say
Those magic words we want to hear

So, as I live my life
I am truly happy alone
Do I need someone else around
To make my house a home?

I have all my poems
Plus, the one's I've yet to write
Instead of having someone to hold
My words keep me company each night


Saturday, October 8, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Trailakya Roy 08 October 2016

Once I wanted to write such a poem. Loneliness of the poet is well justified.

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