It's Supernatural! Poem by Denis Martindale

It's Supernatural!

It's God who made the Universe
In which we dwell today,
It's God who made the sun, moon, stars,
Within the Milky Way...
It's God who made the mountains soar
And made the seas to plan,
It's God who made the creatures for
This world now ruled by Man...

It's God who made us one by one,
With freewill each his own,
It's God who sacrificed His Son,
The greatest gift He's shown...
It's God who wept as Jesus bled,
Though this salvation brings,
It's God who raised Christ from the dead
And made Him King of Kings...

It's God who blessed at Pentecost
When all flesh stared surprised,
It's God who reached out to the lost
When each one was baptised...
It's God who spans the centuries
And reaches now to all,
How come such wonders never cease?
It's supernatural!

Denis Martindale, copyright October 2014.

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Monday, October 6, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: god
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