I'll just play, to entertain,
Gambling spirit, blown away,
For hundred millions, is my ticket?
Gold and shiny, on my tray.
There! It comes, my first big number,
Was one number, only one!
Second matching ticket figure,
Getting excitement on this game.
Oh my Goodness! Here it comes,
Lottery ticket, it's my third,
! Now, I like it! Shout it out,
Jumping off, my comfy spot.
! Holy cow! ! ! I can't believe it,
Sparkly fourth, made me shout,
"Please my Lord. You make it real! "
About good luck, don't make me doubt.
I just know, that you can see,
Bonus number on my sheet,
Picking carefully, the magic three,
Winning ticket! ! Come to me!
Hard discerning such a price,
With so much; yet, so silent,
Now, I have received my dice,
I can buy, myself a diamond.
I can buy myself a Porsche,
I will purchase myself a castle,
Airplanes, boats, fancy dresses,
Having fun, with what God blesses,
As I always, wished on good,
With my family, friends and pets,
To be going everywhere,
Bubbly partying, for the bet.
I'll invite you! All my girls,
Come along to shop the pearls,
At the exclusive Beverly Hills,
And don't worry for the bills.
At the fashionable, I will pay,
Beverly Center, be prepared,
I have plenty cash to share,
Me and spending, is my flair.
On TV, you'll see my face,
At your home, you'll hear my voice,
With my talent to entertain,
Charming voucher, to the fame.
There you'll grasp me, every night,
With my flair and with my bright,
Throwing money to the fullness,
Pleasing Virtue, for the goodness.
I for once, can love my shine,
Looking at, my perfect line,
On same mirror, that refused,
To appreciate, my simple used.
Money made me, a fashion doll,
Golding hair, and gleaming teeth,
Sculptural body, perfect walk,
In life Achieving, such a wreath.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
It's just one of my favorite one.