Jealousy Poem by Timothy Long


She looked at him hurting, he obviously too unaware to care both very alike but separately different he's the star that everyone adores, she's the loner that's ignored forced out like rain pour, tears fell as the eyelids closed under the old heart breaking spell of love, glistening emptiness that persuades them both, feelings fought feelings lost, empty once more if there was gonna be an ever after, the blame the two share and say to one another secretly shame them, they set themselves in failure because of friends and other people interfering to stop sweet true love, so many things went wrong when all they wanted was something right, whether it's wrong or right they didn't care all they needed was 2, that was her and he, the ending they saw was with each other not separated or with others, just the thought made their blood boil in more ways than one, all they wanted was love.

Timothy Long

Timothy Long

Auburn, New York
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