Journey To Eternal Enclave... Poem by Savio Varunny

Journey To Eternal Enclave...

At the end of life, there exists a home named GRAVE,
A sanctuary for all, where each creation finds its enclave.
Regardless of health or wealth, a destination for every soul,
Inevitably, we traverse towards it, a destination taking its toll.

Death, an inscription painted on the canvas of our fate,
Soul departs, leaving behind the temporal weight.
Deeds shadows on the dawn of our tomorrow.
Use your positions and possessions for noble, not shallow.

Before that day arrives to relocate, destined abode,
Let your principles prevail, and let your legacy be bestowed.
In the soil's cradle, when death claims its embrace,
Alone, once again, facing cosmic space.

Discern not the distinctions among those surrounding,
For, in the end, each soul's destiny is bound.
In the rhythm of mortality, we find unity's sway,
Servers remind us that in the end, all share the same pathway.

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