Respect Yourself... Poem by Savio Varunny

Respect Yourself...

Gazing in a mirror, discover your worth, true. Don't chase shadows, let them pursue you.
Words, that whisper, wield their weight, Respect your worth, don't just capitulate.

Confront disrespect with courage bright, In silence speak, let your inner might.
Treasure your time, it's your gift, invest in dreams and let your passions lift.

Adorn thy part, for respect's embrace, stride towards goals, at a steady pace.
Gossip's venom, let it fade and wane, Speak with purpose and let wisdom reign.

Relationships, a divine dance, Walk away from disrespect's cold glance.
Give to yourself, let others know, Scarcity breeds value, let it grow.

In giving freely, your treasures unfold, But never plead for what foretold.
Respect thy space, your presence grand, true respect blooms where you stand.

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