Survivors Anthem! Poem by Savio Varunny

Survivors Anthem!

Rating: 5.0

In gloomy shadows, where nightmares breed, a devil's act lets the heart go bleed.

It attacks not just the victim's frame, but it also permeates the family's name.

A brutal assault on body and soul, shatters life, taking a heavy toll.

Hear this truth, our beacon bright, Rape's not the end, but a painful & unpleasant fight.

Society considers it a whispered shame, a silent dread, on the survivor whose fibers shred.

Lose no courage but rise beyond the societal gaze, for your strength resides within you in countless ways.

For resilient souls, unfazed stand, facing judgment with strength so grand.

But lose no self. not your mistake; feel no shame. The aftermath is always a turbulent sea.

World around may try to confine, Yet survivors should rise and spirits shine.

A traumatic chapter, engraved in time, yet nowhere forfeits life's grand rhyme.

To those who suffer, bear the loss; rest assured, you're not defined by fate.

You're a resilient flower that has just bloomed. Your life journey's long, but it's just loomed.

In legal battles where justice is weaved, a survivor stands and her heart retrieves.

You are a testament of courage, a resilient mirth, rebirth for the world to witness.

You're a survivor, a force you should no longer define by that dark hour

So let the world witness your rebirth, a resilient mirth, a blooming flower.

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