Savio Varunny

Savio Varunny Poems

Our life had a crossroads where once breaths entwine,
You had graced my life, a friend I believed so fine.
For voyager lost with no destination in sight,
I wished U led me through shadows, into the light.

In gloomy shadows, where nightmares breed, a devil's act lets the heart go bleed.

It attacks not just the victim's frame, but it also permeates the family's name.

In a distant land from where dreams unfold, A story of love and happiness untold.
My precious one, my ray of sun, it's Six years since our journey begun.

Remembering that morning, early and bright, Your birth brought our lives a radiant light.

At the end of life, there exists a home named GRAVE,
A sanctuary for all, where each creation finds its enclave.
Regardless of health or wealth, a destination for every soul,
Inevitably, we traverse towards it, a destination taking its toll.

Gazing in a mirror, discover your worth, true. Don't chase shadows, let them pursue you.
Words, that whisper, wield their weight, Respect your worth, don't just capitulate.

Confront disrespect with courage bright, In silence speak, let your inner might.

In a world where swift replies seem desperate,
Answering a call promptly is seen as a plea.
Offering help is often looked upon with suspicion,
Lending a hand is deemed an act of redundancy.

The Best Poem Of Savio Varunny

Crossroads Of Life...

Our life had a crossroads where once breaths entwine,
You had graced my life, a friend I believed so fine.
For voyager lost with no destination in sight,
I wished U led me through shadows, into the light.

Your words I will waited to listen, as we trod hand in hand,
I believed we were companions for life, under the sky by God.
Understanding life's elusive, rhythm so divine,
Miraculous maze of paths, where our destinies twine.

A puzzle still unsolved, a mystery to see,
Unacceptable to me is always embraced by thee.
Decisions that we made, are now painted in the sky,
Promises unfulfilled, as shadows pass by.

In the celestial canvas, our stories entwine.
A complex script, dreaming of your hand in mine.
Moving in parallel destination, unknown and free,
A journey once shared between you and me.

Yet understanding falters, hearing echo prolonged.
In the dance of words, we ignore to see,
The depths of you are the depths of me.
Unacceptable to me, is embraced by thee,
A poetic move, our soul's decree.

In the fabric of life, woven line over line,
Once symphony of hearts, yours and mine.

- Savio Varunny

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