Joy And Peace Lie In The Life Of Honesty! Poem by Ramesh T A

Joy And Peace Lie In The Life Of Honesty!

Honour lies in the honest toil in any walk of life anywhere
Whatever be the field of work one is best at in performance;
Honesty maintained so makes one cool in heart whatever be
the situation bringing sense of satisfaction and peace ever!

Honesty makes one have a peaceful sleep at night and his
Desire to earn good name, fame and love of good hearts is
More than wealth and power got by short cut route to high
Position in life many aspire for losing peace and joy ever!

Shameless and senseless ones follow wrong means to develop
One's position in life to enjoy comfort and luxury at tbe
Cost of others service caught by pricks of conscience ever
Driving one to hell of torture by nightmares in night sleep!

Realization comes very late after a lot of sufferings alone
For many unlike person of honesty enjoying joyful life ever
And hard lesson learnt so makes all realize that honesty is
ever the best policy to follow in life and work forever sure!

Monday, June 11, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: honesty
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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