Judas Or Jesus? Poem by Jake Andrews

Judas Or Jesus?

Jesus is my lord and saviour
Died for my sins and bad behaviour
Judas striked at the heart of good
Betraying my lord, on the cross he stood
For my lord I would die in a instant
Weather im Judas, I wonder it in constant
The true nature of myself is not known to me
Boat mans ferry, toll an fee
Gates of Hell or the Gates of Heaven
War on six or war on seven
Two faced is always the nature of man
Through out human history's span
Judas it seems is in every mans heart
From Hitlers purge, to the day Adam got smart
Serpent seems intertwined into flower
Gods holy strike, only he has the power
On alert for evil I am vigilant and strong
But is my nature right or in the wrong?
My judgement is biased to my own belief
If im starving am I allowed to become a theif?
What of the men that know not of my lord?
Is their fate into hell? labeled heratic at the morge?
Of whats in this world I try to care not
Of what is sold and what gets bought
Money I care little for, else than to live
Big thing to say as thats all I have to give
But I remind myself my logic is twisted
With sin and corruption, my vision is mysted
So I trust that my lord is rightious and true
And knows good from bad and me from you
Judas I try not to be
Prehaps to the point where I have to be

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