Karamat Poem by Rhymer Rhymer


দলিল - reference·Saturday,12 August 2017

: : : : : : The Hatia incident..1...
((not to insisting you to believe))
is described by SUFI ABDUL HALIM vai IN this Way: : : : : :
In the Annual mahfil programme at Hatia the Director of the Dip UnanyanSangstha Mr. Rafiqul Islam bhuiyan came to hujur kibla Alhaj HajratShah Sufi Saiful MalekMadda jil luhul Ali and reported of the scarcityof irrigation water! The shallow irrigation machine cannot supplyenough water for the necessity of the Garden; as a result flower plants, trees and vegetables of the garden isabout to be dry! Hearing the statement our hujur kibla Madda jil luhulAli told "Can't u pray to Allah for it? " then n then it began to Rainbut there was no single drop of rain out of of the Dip UnnayanSangstha! !
((ON Alhaj Hajrat Shah Sufi Saiful Malik-Maddajilluhul Ali ofSALAMABAD SHAREEF who is still alive /but weak/ by the GRACE of theALMIGHTY ALLAH! !)/ see page 66/ book TORIQAT E AHMODIA/edition 2012/ by Sufi MA Razzak/ shaheen Computer, Padit F Rohman Market, Sherpur! !

: : : : : : The Hatia incident..2.../ At that time Hatia was ransacked by Cyclone! The water was rising very quickly! It was time to take shelter at theCyclone shelter but Abdul khaleq is missing his son in the midst ofhaste! Water was unfathomable in few seconds so who can search of theboy! The parents were so shocked to miss the boy! They were mopping theeyes and sobbing! There was no way to go or to contact to any one as itwas rising of water at a destructive range! It happened that when thebaby was born Hujur kibla/Alhaj Hajrat Shah Sufi Saiful Malek maddajilluhul Ali/ The Founder of salamabad silsila came to participateamahfil! The new baby was given to His lap! Hujur kissed the boy andsupplicated for his welfare! The grieved parents couldn't forget thememory of Hujur kibla's supplication! In this way 3 days passed! Whenthe water abated the boy came back home! Seeing the Mother the boyjumped to her lap! He told that Pir dadajan took him and kept him on hislap these days! The pir was in Jamalpur, the cyclone happened to Hatia!

: : : : : At Nuroondi in Jamalpur sadr: : : : :
Some people arranged a Mahfil at Nuroondi! Our hujur kibla was invited! People gathered there to hear his speech! The trick that was done was a defected Loud Speaker and a Hajack Lantern with insufficient oil! Why so? To test the wali! To embarrass the wali! Hujur got on the stage directly! He lectured three hours at a stretch! Till then the Lantern was shinning & the mike was sounding! ! Who can stop a wali when he is determined? ? At last the organizers apologized for their test! !

: : : : : : Hujur is going to Chittagong: : : : : :
After finishing a mahfil at a place of Mymensing Hujur was going to Chittagong! Hujur told all to collect ticket and taking seat in the train! All took seat! Why hujur is late! It is time… the train about to start! The whistle has been blown….the flag has been shown! But where is hujur! The driver has blown the whistle! ! Now now where is He! ! The driver starts but the train doesn'tmove! ! All mechanism are examinedbut why it doesn't start? ? It makes aterrible sound but doesn'tstart! ! The train is as if at a standstill! We are anxious! ! After onehour He came and entered the platform! ! Weall showed him our presenceby raising hands! ! He rushed to thecompartment! ! As soon as he enteredthe compartment, the train began torush! ! We alllooked to eachother but Hujur is aimless! !

Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: mystical philosophy
Rhymer Rhymer

Rhymer Rhymer

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