Aimless poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best aimless poems ever written. Read all poems about aimless.
Love and lust are poles apart.
Lust is chaos, love is art.
She sits in the park. Her clothes are out of date.
Two children whine and bicker, tug her skirt.
A third draws aimless patterns in the dirt
Someone she loved once passed by – too late
Once, at night, in the manor wood
My Love and I long silent stood,
Amazed that any heavens could
Decree to part us, bitterly repining.
We may face onslaught and not survive
If no timely action is taken or efforts revived
Nature may not spare us for committed sin
We may have complete loss and situation no win
The road will be taken, the right road
From the roads of roads of eternal twos
To cross a long way of even, uneven,
Zigzag, of fire, water; through rain,
Beyond the great valley an odd instinctive rising
Begins to possess the ground, the flatness gathers
to little humps and
barrows, low aimless ridges,
At the edge of the universe I live
Beyond the bend of Time.
The east wind blows in the street to-day;
The sky is blue, yet the town looks grey.
'Tis the wind of ice, the wind of fire,
Of cold despair and of hot desire,
At the midnight in the silence of the sleep-time,
When you set your fancies free,
Will they pass to where--by death, fools think, imprisoned--
Low he lies who once so loved you, whom you loved so,
Let us go hence: the night is now at hand;
The day is overworn, the birds all flown;
And we have reaped the crops the gods have sown;
Despair and death; deep darkness o'er the land,
"Only a pound," said the auctioneer,
"Only a pound; and I'm standing here
Selling this animal, gain or loss --
Only a pound for the drover's horse?
Everyone bow with respect and knowledge,
See the impact and mutely acknowledge,
Clear gain and scoring the edge,
For universal benefit we take pledge,
Who killed whom?
How many died
our men; their men?
Crushed flesh and bones
FOR certain minutes at the least
That crafty demon and that loud beast
That plague me day and night
Ran out of my sight;
Silence again. The glorious symphony
Hath need of pause and interval of peace.
Some subtle signal bids all sweet sounds cease,
Save hum of insects' aimless industry.
Oh, yet we trust that somehow good
Will be the final end of ill,
To pangs of nature, sins of will,
Defects of doubt, and taints of blood;
At the midnight in the silence of the sleep-time,
When you set your fancies free,
Will they pass to where--by death, fools think, imprisoned--
Low he lies who once so loved you, whom you loved so,
This ocean, humiliating in its disguises
Tougher than anything.
No one listens to poetry. The ocean
Does not mean to be listened to. A drop
RESPONDEZ! Respondez!
(The war is completed--the price is paid--the title is settled beyond
Let every one answer! let those who sleep be waked! let none evade!
From the inception of thought,
I began—
a hand tracing lines
on the shifting sands of time.
In the beginning,
Everything is new
Yet you grow to learn, the strange ways
No thoughts
Aimless wings fluttering to join my soul, I resurrected
© Manakavingyan
In the dim dark
We trudged, trudged
Towards goals aimless
The friend, drowning in the abyss of confusion,
In the dawn, started journey on an unknown expedition,
Aimless exodus, unknown destination;
Suddenly bright Sunlight covers the eyes with a braid,
It is the core nature
mindful state of affairs
It is the one that
I am not asking anything to you dear bird, I am not expecting any word from you. I know dear you are wordless in the vast sky. You are directionless over the sea. You are aimless on this earth.
Your silence made me write all these.
Come not back dear come not back.
You know my past present and also future dear. You are my guide my path finder.
Unrecognizable shapes
that express
what you can not see
And above all
Seventeen years have passed,
Past 6205 days of pain and death,
Still death is mischief to play
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.