Kl44. A Day Of Krishna Poem by Rajaram Ramachandran

Kl44. A Day Of Krishna


Out of one's nature pious
To know one may be curious,
A day's activities various,
Of Lord Krishna, the Glorious?

A God incarnation, no doubt,
But a householder he was yet,
An example he had to set
For householders to follow it.

His wives were fast asleep,
When from bed He got up,
Despite their mild protest,
He went for meditation first.

Next to this meditation,
He finished His ablution
In fresh sanctified water.
And dressed well thereafter.

Into the sacrificial fire then,
His oblations, one by one,
To follow the religious injunction,
He offered them, as a daily routine.

After this fire sacrifice,
Gayatri Mantra in silence,
He chanted more than once,
Just before the Sun rise.

To the demigods and sun-god,
Who're but part of the Lord,
As in the scriptures down laid,
His prayers, with respect, he said.

To His forefathers wherever,
In their next life whichever,
Respectful obeisance He paid,
For their welfare, "Tarpana' He did.

Cows and dresses in variety,
He gave them in charity,
To the poor of the city,
With His love and pity.

Dressed in yellow garments,
Adorned in golden ornaments,
And beautiful flower garlands,
He visited temples and farmlands.

Before their breakfast,
Brahmanas came to visit,
In their anxiety to see Him,
And He welcomed them,

His next duty was to please,
Assembled men of all castes
Of the city in and around,
Or in the palace compound.

In the Sudharma assembly then,
He sat on His royal throne,
Amidst the jokers group,
And ballet dance troupe.

There were non-stop programs,
Of beating of mridanga drums,
The sounds of veena and flutes,
Accompanied by singing artists.

Vedic hymns Brahmins chanted.
The past events some recited
On the prominent kings' valour,
In the main assembly parlour.

A stranger, one day, came.
On the King Jarasandha's name,
To Krishna, he complained,
All the atrocities he explained.

"I bring a message sad,
Oh Lord, this king mad,
Kings in thousands conquered,
And he kept them imprisoned."

"For your mercy they pray,
As there's no other way,
For their freedom to gain,
From this torturous pain."

While this case went on,
The Sage Narada came in,
Whom, Krishna was glad to meet,
And by His side, gave him a seat.

"Under your merciful presence,
A grand Rajasuya sacrifice,
King Yudhisthira wants to perform,
This message I wish to inform."

"The Pandavas, your cousins,
Need your help and guidance,
To make it a grand success,
With Your mercy and kindness"

So said the sage in reply,
To the Lord's kind enquiry.
Thus the day's schedule went
In this manner time He spent.

Monday, March 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: story
Rajaram Ramachandran

Rajaram Ramachandran

Chennai born, now at Juhu, Mumbai, India
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